85 Liam Gallagher quotes that prove he’s a comic genius

85 Liam Gallagher quotes that prove he’s a comic genius

Here’s a list of 85 Liam Gallagher quotes that prove he’s a comic genius.

1. “I suppose I do get sad, but not for too long. I just look in the mirror and go, `What a f***ing good-looking f*** you are.` And then I brighten up.”

2. “I don`t hate Chris Martin. I don`t know him, know what I mean? I just thinks he`s a bit giddy. He ought to calm down, he isn`t gonna save the world.”

3. “You never see me down film premieres even though I get invited to about a hundred a week.”

4. “Name one rock star in Britain apart from a member of Oasis. Name one!”

5. “I dig it. Iโ€™m into the idea that there could be a God and aliens and reincarnation and some geezer years ago turning water into wine. I donโ€™t believe when you die, you die.”

6. โ€œI f***ing hate Glastonbury, mate. Iโ€™m only here for the money.โ€

7. “We will be as big as the Beatles, if not bigger.”“My kids also like that bloke, WhatsApp Ricky. You know, the American geezer, stylish, funny, gold teeth. [when told he means A$AP Rocky] Oh yeah, thatโ€™s the fella. WhatsApp Ricky. Thatโ€™s a better fucking name anyway.”

8. โ€œIโ€™ve only been down Oxford Street once. It was a few years ago after an awards ceremony. It was three in the morning. And I got arrested.โ€

9. โ€œWe donโ€™t observe bank holidays in this band. Itโ€™s all one big bank holiday, one big fucking day off. But I say good luck to them, man. Fair play to the pair of them.โ€

10. “I mean, the devil’s got all the good gear. What’s God got? The Inspiral Carpets and nuns. F*** that.”

11. “I did the whole Knebworth set in the shower earlier. It was f***ing great.”

12. “You know them shoes that just come out at you like a f*cking snooker cue? Itโ€™s like, โ€˜Leave it out, man! You got a licence for them bastards or what?”โ€œFuck the sea. I ainโ€™t going in that. Fuck that, mate. That ainโ€™t meant for us. Thatโ€™s meant for the sharks, and the jellyfish, tadpoles and stuff.โ€

13. โ€œIโ€™m insulted that people think Noel Gallagher has been fucking carrying this band for the last 18 years. People were saying, โ€˜Oh itโ€™s going to be fucking shit.โ€™ Itโ€™s like, are you tripping or what?โ€

14. โ€œI really despise this new fucking disease of indie fucking shit, fucking student music, the likes of Bloc Party and all that fucking nonsense. They donโ€™t keep me awake at night, but itโ€™s just shite, and they can fucking have it mate.โ€

15. (On Keith Richards and George Harrison) โ€œTheyโ€™re jealous and senile and not getting enough fucking meat pies.โ€

16. โ€œChris Martin looks like a geography teacher. Whatโ€™s all that with writing messages about Free Trade? If he wants to write things down Iโ€™ll give him a pen and a pad of paper. Bunch of students.โ€(On Wayne Rooney) โ€œHe looks like a fucking balloon with a fucking Weetabix crushed on top. Heโ€™s better off as a skinhead, isnโ€™t he?โ€

17. โ€œMuse fucking scare me. Theyโ€™re like fucking creepy shit. But people like โ€™em. They at least play guitars, but when I hear his voice Iโ€™m like, Ah, fuck him.โ€

18. (When asked by a group of school children if he gets sweets after he’s done a gig) “Sort of.”

19. โ€œAlan Whiteโ€ฆ oh, I canโ€™t do it. I canโ€™t be arsed.โ€

20. โ€œI donโ€™t go out and get wasted. Iโ€™ve got kids and theyโ€™re getting to that age when theyโ€™re like, โ€˜How come you get to lie in bed all day and Iโ€™ve got to go to school?โ€™โ€

21. โ€œIโ€™m an average lad who was born in Burnage who played conkers. Conkers, mate. Conkers. The lot. And now I’m in a band and nothing’s changed.โ€โ€œI like Noel outside the band. Human Noel โ€“ thatโ€™s my brother โ€“ I fucking adore him and Iโ€™d do anything for him. But the geezer thatโ€™s in this fucking business, heโ€™s one of the biggest cocks in the universe.โ€

21. โ€œAmericans want grungy people, stabbing themselves in the head on stage. They get a bright bunch like us, with deodorant on, they don’t get it.โ€

22. โ€œDiscipline? I don’t know the meaning of the word.โ€

23. โ€œYou’ve seen one of the our gigs you’ve seen ’em all. But if you’re into the music, you’ll know that we played better the night before or we can play better.โ€

24. “Everyone’ll be calling their kids Beady Eye by the end of the year”

25. “It’s Charlotte Church for me, man. She could be the next Liam. She’s got a great voice and she f***ing has it. She knows how to get f***ing hammered and she freaks people out.”“The Sun? There’s a load of cunts at that newspaper.”

26. โ€œIf I lost my hair you would never see me on that stage again, because thereโ€™s no place for baldness in rock n rollโ€

27. (On Mumford & Sons) โ€Everyone looks like they’ve got fucking nits and eat lentil soup with their sleeves rolled up!โ€

28. โ€œThatโ€™s the story of my life, mate, Iโ€™m always having to go one louder.โ€

29. โ€œTurn that fucking shit fog machine off.โ€

30. โ€œI said to Marilyn Manson: ‘Your musicโ€™s shit, but your f**kinโ€™ show was mentalโ€™.โ€

31. โ€œThey think I’m a big-mouthed cunt from Manchester, and theyโ€™d be correct.โ€โ€œItโ€™s good people living on your doorstep and looking through your bins. Gives me a kick up the arse. Otherwise Iโ€™d just sit around getting fat.โ€

32. โ€œIโ€™d have liked to have gone to fucking college, you know what I mean? But we couldnโ€™t afford it. Some of us had to go down and dig holes on the site with fucking Murphy and Dick.โ€

33. โ€œIโ€™m moving back to Manchester if City win the league. Iโ€™m going to buy a house next to Mani out of Stone Roses and be a real noisy ******* neighbour โ€“ hurl abuse at him over the fence.โ€

34. โ€œI donโ€™t give a fuck what awards he gets. Ivor Novello Award? What is it? Donโ€™t want anything to do with that shit.โ€

35. โ€œThe White Stripes? Fooking rubbish. School ties? At the age of 24? Fooking hell.โ€(On Mumford and Sons) โ€œIโ€™m sure theyโ€™re all nice lads but thatโ€™s not for me. They look like fucking Amish people. I need music to be a bit more sexy and played by people who look a bit fucking dangerous.โ€

36. โ€œBalotelliโ€™s a character but he needs to sort his napper out. I like characters โ€“ if the world was full of fucking Gary Nevilles, it would be bobbins. He looks like an estate agent.โ€

37. “If you want to see the opposite sex spout four heads, then exchange a couple of rings. You walk to the altar with a woman with one head and you walk back with a f***ing monster.”

38. “The Beatles play guitars, we play guitars. The Beatles got hair, we’ve got hair. The Beatles got arms, we’ve got arms.”

39. “Being me is the best f***ing gig in the world.”

40. (On Billie Joe Armstrong) โ€œFuck right off. Iโ€™m not having him. I just donโ€™t like his head.โ€โ€œIf someoneโ€™s barking up the wrong tree I sort of point them in the right direction, but other than that Iโ€™m not into tweeting โ€“ itโ€™s rubbish.โ€

41. “Whoever’s throwing things like this on stage…like…if you don’t like the music, f*** off!”

42. “I don’t think I’ve ever said anything that’s nasty.”

43. “You see pictures of Bono running around LA with his little white legs and a bottle of Volvic and he looks like a fanny.”

44. “I refuse to dance. And I can’t dance anyway. I’m not in a band for that.”“At the end of the day a name’s a name. You could be called f***ing Veiny Love Stick, but if your music’s shit then it’s shit.”

45. “It’s good people living on your doorstep and looking through your bins. Gives me a kick up the arse. Otherwise I’d just sit around getting fat.”

46. “If I wasn’t a musician I don’t know. I’d be God, maybe? That would be a good job.”

47. “I only use my Twitter as a weapon or to say thanks to people or if people are getting a bit fresh. Instead of waiting six months to do an interview, put them into place, do it on Twitter.’

48. “You’re going to be f***ing arrested wearing [Jay-Z’s Rocawear] gear and you’re going to pull a really nice-looking bird wearing mine.”โ€œI still love George Harrison as a songwriter in the Beatles, but as a person I think heโ€™s a fucking nipple. And if I ever meet him Iโ€™ll fucking tell him.โ€

49. โ€œNoel Gallagher, Russell Brand, fucking hellโ€ฆwhat a pair of old housewives.โ€

50. โ€œ90 per cent of the music business is run by idiots and Iโ€™ll guess itโ€™s the same for fashion, know what I mean?โ€

51. (On Christmas) โ€œThe usual. Iโ€™ll be sitting there all day, getting wankered. Probably eating loads of fucking food anโ€™ all. What are the kids after this year? What do you think? Loads of fucking toys.โ€

52. โ€œIโ€™m a better singer than him [Noel]. Iโ€™m the man, man.โ€

53. (On Keith Richards and George Harrison) โ€œTheyโ€™re jealous and senile and not getting enough fucking meat pies.โ€

54. (On his garden) “I much prefer it be fucking paved. The minute I get some money in the bank thereโ€™ll be fucking concrete going over it.”

55. “I can’t swim. I can have a bath and that. I’m all right in a hot tub. But put me out in the ocean and I’m gone.”

56. “I live for now, not for what happens after I die. If I die and there’s something afterwards, I’m going to hell, not heaven.โ€

57. “We don’t observe bank holidays in this band. It’s all one big bank holiday, one big f***ing day off.”

58. “Iโ€™m down with my feminine side, without a f***ing doubt.”

59. “People think I’m just a f***ing lunatic, but Noel can be a little bitch, too.”โ€œI am a tender, beautiful and loving guy that happens to slap a photographer now and then because they get in my way.โ€

60. “I’m Liam Gallagher and I’m in Oasis. The whole world is jealous of me. It should be.”

61. “Being a lad is what I’m about. I can tell you who isn’t a lad – anyone from Blur.”

62. “I’m getting up earlier and earlier now man. I try and beat the alarm clock. The alarm goes off at six and I try to get up at 5.59 just to do its head in.”

63. “I donโ€™t think tension makes for great records. Thatโ€™s a load of bollocks.”

64. โ€œI have got a bit of an issue with cardigans. Theyโ€™re shit arenโ€™t they?โ€โ€œIโ€™m right into it, itโ€™ll finish off the Kaiser Chiefs and put them to bed. Thereโ€™s nothing worse than a shit Blur.โ€

65. โ€œI refuse to dance. And I canโ€™t dance anyway. Iโ€™m not in a band for that.โ€

66. โ€œAt Knebworth I thought we were doing one night and we were doing two. I got that mashed on the first I woke up to a knock on the door and thought I was at home. I forgot all about it. But I had to go and do it again. That was heavy.โ€

67. โ€œI heard that fucking Radiohead record and I just go, โ€˜What?!โ€™ I like to think that what we do, we do fucking well. Them writing a song about a fucking tree? Give me a fucking break! A thousand year old tree? Go fuck yourself!โ€

68. (On going to gigs) โ€œFuck that. Whatโ€™s the point? The bands are all shit, arenโ€™t they? Go out to socialise and have some student stand on your fucking shoes?โ€โ€œI guide myself. If I bump into walls, I bump into walls. Iโ€™m like a little bumper car, I keep bumping into questions and answers and itโ€™s a top buzz, man.โ€

69. โ€œRock stars exercising? I don’t think it’s right. You either got it or you ain’t. I drink too much but you won’t catch me doing sit-ups or jogging.” You see pictures of Bono running around LA with his little white legs and a bottle of Volvic and he looks like a fanny. I mean, maybe if it was a bottle of vodka.โ€

70. โ€œIโ€™m singing as well as I ever have. And I think the Beady Eye tunes are just as good as โ€˜Definitely Maybeโ€™, if not better.โ€

71. “Iโ€™ve mellowed, but not in the sense of liking Radiohead or Coldplay.”

72. โ€œIโ€™d like to f***ing hang Robbie Williams onstage. Whatโ€™s he done to me this time? Nothing. Heโ€™s just somebody Iโ€™d like to hang.โ€

73. “Chris Martin looks like a geography teacher.”(On Coldplay and Radiohead) โ€œI donโ€™t hate them, I donโ€™t wish they had accidents. I think their fans are boring and ugly and donโ€™t look like theyโ€™re having a good time.โ€

74. โ€œIโ€™m not thinking about anything except getting the message across. I donโ€™t even know what the f**king message is!โ€

75. โ€œI can still go pound for pound with any clown at any time.โ€

76. “There`s Elvis and me. I couldn`t say which of the two is best.”

77. “I have never seen a U2 fan. I have never seen anyone with a U2 shirt or been around someone’s house that has a f***ing U2 record. Where do their fans f***ing come from?”

78. “Everyone knows that if you’ve got a brother, you’re going to fight.”

79. “I’m going to live in Ireland. But not for tax purposes. That’s for greedy c***s. I like the taxman. The taxman’s good.”

80. โ€œIt’s a good thing we won, because we were going to trash the place if we didn’t.โ€

81. “I’m not the likes of Mick Jagger, man. I don’t think singers who start off singing should play guitar. It looks f***ing stupid.”

82. “I don’t have a bad word to say about Be Here Now. The only person who’s got a problem with it is Noel. He wrote it, so then it’s his problem.”

83. “Pete Doherty needs a slap, and the sooner he gets it, the better.”

84. โ€œIโ€™m not one of them that walks around town like Iโ€™m the king of London. If I need to get milk I go out and get milk, but most of the time Iโ€™m indoors.โ€

85. โ€œI was walking along and this chair came flying past me, and another, and another, and I thought, man, is this gonna be a good night.”

Source: Shortlist

Photo: Getty