Liam Gallagher says Noel ‘Hasn’t had a proper scran for about 10 years’

Liam Gallagher says Noel ‘Hasn’t had a proper scran for about 10 years’

Speaking to LADbible, Liam Gallagher has had yet another dig at his brother Noel.

During an interview to promote his new studio album ‘C’Mon You Know’, Liam Gallagher answered to innocuous question with an animated riff about his and Noel’s differing lifestyles.

Asked what people most commonly say to him in the street, the 49-year-old replied: “Alright Noel.”

And from that launchpad, Liam took the opportunity to hit Noel outlining why it ‘must do his head in’ when people mistake them.

“That geezer, he hasn’t had a scran for about 10 years, you know what I mean?”

“He watches his weight and all that, and he’s got his little skin programme, he has his Botox and all that – and I’m just walloping lagers, and having kebabs, and f***ing eating whatever and all that tackle.”

“It must do his head in ’cause he’s tryingΒ so hardΒ man, trying so hard to be Noel Gallagher and people are just coming up and going, ‘Alright Liam.'”

“You’d just be going like, ‘What the f*** man, I’ve just done about 900 f***ing press-ups, and I haven’t had a proper dinner for seven years, and I haven’t drank lager for seven years, and you’re thinking I’m him?!'”

When asked what he considers to be his biggest weakness, he admitted: “Alcohol, I reckon.”

“I f***ing love lager and f***ing Guinness, you know what I mean?”

“But you’ve got to have a bit of discipline haven’t ya? I have got a bit of discipline sometimes.”

Source: LADbible

Photo: Getty