Noel Gallagher has recently talked about his next – and third – solo album with Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds.
“It’s made me more confident in my own abilities, if I was ever lacking confidence!” he laughs. “Every time I’m halfway through an album, every time I’ve ever been halfway through an album, I know exactly what it’s going to sound like. With this, I have no fucking idea. That in itself is great though, because it’s really exciting to not know what you’re coming up with until you’re coming up with it. Those flashes of inspirations. Songs that, as they’re being written, are constantly changing and you’re constantly writing new bits and going, ‘Well if I do that bit there, then that bit’s got to change’. I’ve written seven songs, five of which have been recorded. I would say there’s still a tiny bit of work to do on those five but nothing major. I’d say I’m halfway there; I’ve got another seven songs to write and then I’m fucking done.”
The process has also made Gallagher more confident in the importance he always applied to the crafting of his songs, whether they have been on Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds or Be Here Now. Even now, 20 years after the release of (What’s the Story) Morning Glory?, Gallagher owns every bit of his work; each word, good or bad, they all make up the wider story that he won’t shy away from being associated with, career-wise.
“This whole thing has reaffirmed my belief in something that I always thought anyway: it’s the songs that matter.” he says. “If you’ve been lucky enough to happen upon batches upon batches of songs that people have taken into their lives, then the rest of it doesn’t matter. You can only overthink it and make it shit anyway, you know? You just have to get up and do your best. I’m not the greatest singer in the world and I’m not the greatest guitarist in the world. I’m not the greatest lyricist and I’m not the greatest songwriter, but I’m really fucking good at being me. Starting out on this journey, if indeed it is a journey, I thought, ‘Well that’ll have to do’. If people want to come and see me, well there’s nobody better at being me than me, surely! Who’s better than me?”
Source: AU