Noel Gallagher on Taylor Swift and Matty Healy breakup: “Serves Him Right!”

Noel Gallagher on Taylor Swift and Matty Healy breakup: “Serves Him Right!”

Noel Gallagher have spoken about the break up between Taylor Swift and Matty Healy breakup, taking some responsibility.

Few months ago Healys beagan the ‘feud’ with Noel and Liam saying during an interview that they need to grow up and reform Oasis.

The first and soft reply came from Liam Gallagher, but Noel took later the scepter and hit Matty Healy several times.

Just few days ago, while on stage in Dublin, Healy replied back to the brothers, in particulary to Noel.

The 1975‘s frontman said that he loves the older Gallagher, adding that “The difference between me and Noel is that I do a series of interviews to promote an album, whereas he does an album to promote a series of interviews.

Busy promoting his new record ‘Council Skies’, Noel Gallagher spoke with the Rolling Stone, and for the occasion he talked about Healy again.

More particulary, he commented the recent rumors about the split between Matty Healy and Taylor Swift:

Taylor has obviously said, ‘Now look, keep your fucking nose out of that Gallagher business, or we are fucking through,’” Gallagher said in a new wide-ranging interview with Rolling Stone. “And he couldn’t help it. And Swifty, God bless her, said, ‘I can’t deal with this shit because once he’s done with you, he is gonna come after me and I’m not fucking having it. So, I’m sorry, Matty, you gotta go.’… Serves him right!

Source: Consequence

Photo: Getty